A Writer's Life, Blogging, Writing

A Psalm | Thank You

Dear Lord,

Thank You
You are worthy of praise.

You are here, with us,
   even when we don't seek you.
Thank You.
You are worthy of praise.

You are here, working in us,
   even when we don't know how dire
     the situation is - or is becoming.
But You are steadfast and vigilant
   Preparing the way through.
   Preparing us for the wilderness.
Thank You.
You are worthy of praise.

You are here, with us,
   even through the barriers
     - pride and false humility -
   which require pain and suffering
      to break down and tear away.
But You shoulder part of that burden,
   so we can continue on.
Again and again You take our scars
   offering love, compassion, strength
And mercy.

Thank You.
You are worthy of praise.

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