A Writer's Life, Blogging, crafting

A Striped Awning

Lately I’ve been considering, again, the possibility of selling items I create on my site to “cut out the middle-man”. There are a lot of things to take into account when thinking of taking on a task such as that because places like Etsy focus on all the details to help you market your items and make it supposedly easier for customers to find your products.

So, one of the ideas is to simply have a link leading people to my Etsy Store while placing additional images of my crafts or books here on my site. That way Etsy can direct them with payments and shipping and all the specifics of the orders can be organized there.

The other idea is to incorporate Woo Commerce on my site, but that could mean a lot of heavy lifting which – at this point in time – I would rather not do. Why? Because I would rather focus that heavy lifting on my crafting, writing, or designing (or the organizing of my creative space so that I can more easily begin a project).

Starting anything new, be it a project or a storefront (digital or physical), should never be decided upon lightly.

UPDATE – 3/9/2023

Considering Woo Commerce is an additional $583 annually, I think I will opt for simply adding the link to the products on my Etsy page. ^-^,